b69// <airhorns and long walk along beach>

actually less long walk. we moved the equalist zone back to the housing district. 
plus added a time-manipulation stone. hopefully nothing bad happens

2901//FREELANCER - v3 - BUILD 69


*SELECT SCREEN: added graffiti to suggest typing 'custom' as your 2901 player name ...



added upstairs apartments [other]

for moving QM

added plant gamer

added some peeps to town

added note to magenta

some transit terminals have been hacked by the community and made free (if you are friends enough)

added : close /open sign to the upgrade store outside [to hopefully extra indicate theres a store]


players were not locating it/travelling to it often enough, for being a key location, so i moved it back

the location it is on the map/lore map is where the militarized community headquarters

entry to radio station now links to radio station, cool! it was the radio station bldg all along

did more behind-the-scenes work on the drug economy

further implemented drug district scarce / flooded pricing under the hood with each drug den's dealer

added void seller to the server room, when MILSEC zone is flooded

added GCB buyer to the server room, when MILSEC zone is scarce

added [ADMIN] Time Manipulator

ROBOT SCIENTIST will give you the time manipulator if you have enough karma. how much is enough..?

>>> you can now technically traverse backwards in day, avoiding the end of the world


UPDATES: Super WierdoZone, The

added admin store [inside the WAREHOUSE-OF-BAD-IDEAS]

added adminshop girl, who dispenses tools for my use at the world select screen. say hi for me ok

added : item [Admin] Goto-Den-Tool for instant transportation to the various drug dens for testing

labeled the packages in the MARKETPLACE-OF-BAD-IDEAS


// ------ 0 0 0 -----

dev thoughts:  thinking about bringing the ability to save/reenabling save functionality.

its a long game, and a while back i disabled saving just because i was iterating so often.

might be a good idea to bring it back.


2901_b69.exe 298 MB
Feb 24, 2020

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